Hey ocean lovers!
If you’re new around here… welcome. I’m Ashley… believer, adventurer and a big fan of Taylor Swift. I spend a LOT of time in the ocean, and thought this post could be helpful for others of you who do so as well!

I wanted to do a fun little post about how to take care of your wetsuits and I have a few helpful tips to get you started.
- First and foremost, you should ALWAYS rinse out your wetsuit after surfing. The ocean sadly has a lot of bacteria in it that you don’t want living in your wetsuit. Leaving salt water on your wetsuit will also damage it over time and your wetsuit will not last as long.
Hot tip: Make sure you put a lot of attention to rinsing the zipper area with fresh water as the salt water will corrode the zipper (trust me-it’s happened to mine- such a bummer).
2. Make sure to give your suit a deep clean every few times- depending on how often you go out. Here’s an all natural one you can snag for $8.95 from West Path. I’ll walk you through step by step on how to use it. It’s super easy and won’t hurt the environment.

And voila! She’s all squeaky clean! Here are the deets on the cleaner…

- All natural, 100% biodegradable
- Made and bottled right here in the USA
- Hurricane Citrus flavor
- Cleans, deodorizes, and conditions all things neoprene & wetsuit (neoprene, latex seals, coatings, laminates, and synthetic and natural elastic fibers, booties, hoods, gloves, etc.)
3. My last tip for wetsuit care is to make sure your permanent storage for your wetsuit isn’t in direct sunlight and kept on a hanger (not folded up in a bucket etc.) Sun is super harsh on neoprene and hanging your wetsuit will help it to keep its shape. We use some mega sturdy hooks in our garage where they don’t get direct exposure.

Have fun, share the stoke, and keep it FRESH!