The Power of Yoga & Surfing


Hey all!

I hope you are having a beautiful and productive week.  Mine has been really busy- but also really fruitful as I got to spend so much time with people and working on myself.

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking part in the Iaera yoga & surf sesh in La Jolla. I had battled 2 stomach bugs, and a dozen migraines since the new year, and I didn’t realize how much my body actually needed it.

I was happily greeted by Laura from Iaera and some yummy starbucks coffee for everyone. AMEN. It was a little brisk outside so I was really grateful I wore my Iaera mazu rash. We jumped into some awesome yoga led by Laureen, but oh boy was I struggling. I guess I didn’t realize that because my body had gone through so much trauma in the previous couple of months, that it had got so wound up and tight.

We did lots of twists and compressions. Let’s just say my obliques were sore for 3 days. I wasn’t going to complain getting to be in the fresh air, under the palm trees and the ocean in front of me(the sand was literally 20 yards away). I also got to meet some wonderful people.

I love finding new ways to wear my Iaera- I’ve been wearing my pieces for mountain biking in the morning as well. I like to think it makes me more aerodynamic 😉

After about an hour of yoga, we got to suit up to head out for a surf. Needless to say, I felt like a magical unicorn that could do anything!

  1. Yoga allows you to connect to yourself- to do a self inventory physically and mentally. This is really important in general, and something that greatly impacts your surfing. I didn’t carry any negativity with me into the ocean when I went out after.
  2. Yoga is a preventative measure. Most of us don’t stretch enough- let’s be honest. It’s even more obvious if you are an athlete or have physically challenging hobbies. It prepares our bodies for what is to come. When I went to paddle out, my shoulders were so loose and warm. My first pop-up felt like magic. It felt so easy. I’ve never felt so good in a session.

3. Surfing has many benefits- I could go on and on- it’s great for anxiety and depression, to disconnect from technology etc. When partnering yoga with surfing, I enter the ocean with soul purpose of connecting with it and the people around me. Yoga serves the purpose of connecting to myself- and surfing connects me to everything God has placed around me. It’s truly healing and life-giving. 

The waves were little but so clean, and the water clarity was amazing that day. I loved being able to paddle out with some totally grounded people. Laura is probably one of most easy-going gals i’ve surfed with. She just has a calming and warm presence in the water. I was so excited when I saw that there was going to be another Yoga + Surf event in March. I immediately made sure my calendar was clear. I hope some of my Orange County ladies can shoot down for the morning as well- it’s going to be another amazing morning! (Just search Low Tide Yoga on facebook to RSVP-it’s free-  or you can probably find it on my facebook page)


You will also have the chance to win some Iaera gear if you attend– AYO! I love being a brand ambassador for a company that I can stand by and say is ethically made- and made for ladies of all shapes and sizes honestly.

If you want to browse Iaera, and do a little shopping- I have a discount code for 20% off


(I’m not making any money off of this- just sharing the LOVE)

Love you all, & hope this was inspiring and informative



