Mexico Wednesday


Being in Southern California, it’s very easy to make a day trip down to Mexico. There are so many beautiful destinations down in Mexico, but also so much poverty. TerraNova Church will be taking a team down to Ensenada this April to partner with an impoverished community in La Bufadora. We will be building a home for a family down there and sharing the gospel throughout the week in authentic and meaningful ways. So many of these people work long hard days and only have tarps to come home to that have to somehow keep them warm and protected from the elements. Zack and I will be part of the team heading down in April, so we took a trip down yesterday with a few others to scope out the community, meet some of the people we are going to be partnering with, and stop for some surf.

These are the backroads of Baja, and one of the routes we took to get to this community. There is so much need and so much to do, but we are excited to walk alongside of them in hopes to empower and encourage.

After doing some recon for the trip, we stopped at an amazing taco shop to fuel up. SO YUM and so cheap. You can’t beat it.

It was a beautiful day at San Miguel, and there were a lot of heads out surfing. I, myself didn’t feel great about taking my longboard out at a shortboard spot, but enjoyed watching great rides. It also gave me a chance to sit and pray for our trip in April and all of the things that God is doing through TerraNova Church.

It took us 2 hours to get back through the border crossing to the United States, but the delicious fresh churros they sell in the car lines makes it totally worth it.

Stay tuned for more travel posts!


