Good Friday


It’s hard to find something I love more than Christmas and birth of Jesus than Easter and the emotion it brings to the table. If you are not religious, please stay reading. I PROMISE there is something here for you in this post. I know some people think that working at a church makes it easier to tune into the magnitude of Easter, but if anything it can be harder. With all the tasks and jobs at hand to prepare for our services that will draw in over 2,000 people- it can get distracting. This week I found myself drawn to worship more than usual. It felt as if God knew He had to pull me back in, so he drew me to songs that tugged at my emotions and helped me remember the awe of what Jesus did and is still doing. 

This is a rather long live version, but it’s SO powerful.

“The moon and stars they wept…”

When Jesus entered into Jerusalem, everything changed.

“This is all for you, Jesus.”

So here we are now, on a day that feels far from “Good,” on a day that feels wrong and unjustified. What’s earth shattering is that the sorrow we feel on this day brings us one step closer to repentance. It brings us one step closer to life eternal. On this day as we mourn and remember- Jesus was busy fulfilling a prophesy and saving the world for the

rest …of …eternity. 

If you are disconnected from religion and from a relationship with God, I just want you to know that the GOOD in you comes from something far deeper and more beautiful than you will every understand. The GOOD in people is something we can never make up ourselves. Every month, people in our congregation give thousands and thousands of dollars so that the church can use that money to help people in our community and around the world. It’s a huge job and privilege to be trusted with that and be able to bless so many. I got to walk alongside a family this week who had to rebuild their lives from the ground up with a little baby girl in tow. We were able to help with rent and gas for their car. I had to go to the grocery store and buy all sorts of things I don’t usually buy- baby diapers & wipes, baby food, etc.

We were able to be a light for this family during a dark time. The looks on their faces I will never forget. We do this a lot for people, but this week felt different. As people are running around planning Easter brunches and buying expensive outfits for church, this family was just hoping to make it to the next day. Without all the distractions, shopping, coordinating- they were able to see the GOODNESS of this week. Whether you know it or not, there is so much goodness to be uncovered, to be celebrated. I believe that whether you are a Christian or not, there will be an overwhelming calmness that will sweep over you today. Some will make a connection, and some will just smile when they feel it. 

Today is so beautiful because we get to start counting to  

t h r e e 

Today is GOOD, but in three days comes something far greater than many will ever be able to comprehend. Some choose not to. Wherever you are in your life, my hope and prayer is that today when you feel that calmness- the calmness that draws you to a heavy sigh and perhaps  brings in all the “feels,” you will not ignore that moment. On this day many many years ago, a King left his throne with your name on His heart- with my name on His heart. Our detail-oriented God saw that we were worth saving. 

Happy Easter to you and yours. 




